The FEARLESS movement celebrates individuals who dare to be different and walk the paths destined for greatness because we know that success is relative and popularity is fleeting. In a world where integrity and transparency are under attack and a blind eye is turned for the benefit of sensationalism and salaciousness, it’s time we change the narrative. Social media and other popular forms of communication sell us false realities, leaving us broken from trying to lead unrealistic lives and have us reaching unattainable goals. It’s time to start the healing process. To heal, we must be willing to see ourselves as God sees us first.

Tina wants you to know that who you are is enough, because the God-given gifts bestowed to you can’t be duplicated or replicated. Sometimes we need affirmation and positive reinforcement to get back on track.
We are not carbon copies, we were all made custom-cut! To live a life any other way than FEARLESS would be a dereliction of your duty to operate in excellence.
The Fearless Movement serves women and girls through service projects, workshops, public speaking, and mentorship. We are not carbon copies; we were all made custom-cut! Tina created the FEARLESS movement to meet the needs of teens and young women in some of the same conditions she experienced.
She is committed to serving young women in underserved communities in a way that only she can. From workshops and beauty and wellness events to fitness programming and motivational talks, Tina strives to encourage everyone she encounters to be FEARLESS in pursuit of what sets one soul on fire. To live a life any other way than FEARLESS would be a dereliction of your duty to operate in excellence.